Stephanie Kelton: The big myth of government deficits | TED TED 14:04 3 years ago 385 097 Далее Скачать
Do budget deficits matter? Why is no-one talking about them? DEBATE - BBC Newsnight BBC Newsnight 6:53 7 years ago 82 219 Далее Скачать
Stephanie Kelton - “Finding the Money” & “The Deficit Myth” | The Daily Show The Daily Show 15:49 8 months ago 483 990 Далее Скачать
#19: A review of Dr. Stephanie Kelton's The Deficit Myth Cowboy Economist (Cowboy Economist) 21:47 4 years ago 3 366 Далее Скачать
Stephanie Kelton on what a deficit actually is Institute for Gender and the Economy 4:56 4 years ago 17 235 Далее Скачать
Was MMT Right About Inflation? | Stephanie Kelton (The Deficit Myth) Money & Macro Talks 1:07:52 10 months ago 81 173 Далее Скачать
Dismantling MMT | Book Review (and thorough rebuttal) of "The Deficit Myth" - Modern Monetary Theory Heresy Financial 34:41 4 years ago 43 263 Далее Скачать
If you ever wondered where Elon Musk's genius came from... #TheElonMuskShow #iPlayer #ElonMusk BBC 0:28 2 years ago 385 549 Далее Скачать
Debunking the Deficit Myth to Help Save the Planet with Dr. Stephanie Kelton The Climate Pod 57:47 3 years ago 366 Далее Скачать
Modern Monetary Theory Quick Look with Dr. Stephanie Kelton Andrew Jaremko 3:22 3 years ago 197 Далее Скачать
Unpacking "The Deficit Myth" by Stephanie Kelton | Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) Go Meta with Oli Sharpe 22:37 10 months ago 103 989 Далее Скачать
Busting The Deficit Myth Featuring Dr. Stephanie Kelton Thom Hartmann Program 12:17 2 years ago 14 989 Далее Скачать